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Scientific achievements, Hardware and methodical developments


Modernization of the BAO NAS RA 1-m Schmidt Telescope
The modernization of the 1-m Schmidt telescope of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (NAS of Armenia) is finished. A new control system has been created, a CCD detector (4kx4k, readout noise of 11 e, pixel size of 9 μm (0.89 arcsec), field of view of about 1 sq. degree) with fluid cooling and a set of 21 midband, 5 broadband, and 3 narrowband filters has been installed in the telescope focus. First images have been received.
Authors: S.Dodonov, V.Afanasiev, V.Amirkhanyan (SAO RAS) together with T.Movsessian, S.Balayan, V.Gabrielyan (BAO NAS RA)
The results were reported at the international conference "The Present and Future of Small and Medium-Size Telescopes" (SMT-2015), September 19-22, 2015, Nizhny Arkhyz
1. V.Gabrielyan, T.Movsessian, Modernization of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory 1-m Schmidt Telescope, SMT-2015 Conference Abstracts, p.36;
2. S.Dodonov, V.Afanasiev, V.Amirkhanyan, T.Movsessian, V.Gabrielyan, Spectrophotometry of Stars and Galaxies in Midband Filters with the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory 1-m Schmidt telescope: the Instrument Possibilities and Challenges, SMT-2015 Conference Abstracts, p.44.

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Last update: 10/01/2017