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The atlas is presented as a series of relationships between the
residual intensity and the laboratory wavelength, which cover the spectrum of
MWC 560 from 4780 Å to 6580 Å. A minor loss of information is due to the
overestimation of the scattered light in the region of
and to
the broad emission lines
. On the
diagrams are shown the blue-shifted absorption lines and the interstellar
diffusion bands. The telluric lines of
are marked
with dots, while the heads of molecular bands and individual absorption lines
of the M giant are labeled with angles and vertical bars, respectively.
In Table 1 are given only emission lines. Questionable features and the lines
that fell within the gaps are not included in it, question-marks are for
unreliable identification. The wavelengths are rounded-off to hundredths of
an Å, in unidentified lines they are given with one decimal digit. The
horizontal straight lines demarcate single lines or groups of close lines
that merge into blends.
The authors thank V.E. Panchuk for help in
observations, V.T. Doroshenko for new photometric data made available, and
T. Tomov for fruitful discussions.
The work was done under the support of the Russian foundation of basic
research (project 95-07-19306 Creation of an information-analytical
system ``Stellar spectra'').
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Klochkova V.G.